February 16, 2023 Introducing Your Music: A New Jingle and Custom Music Service from Rightsify.

Music has a unique way of grabbing our attention and staying with us long after we’ve heard it. That’s why it’s no surprise that music has become an integral part of branding and marketing. From jingles to theme songs, music can help create an emotional connection between a brand and its audience. And now, with Your Music from Rightsify, creating custom music for your brand or event is easier than ever.

Your Music is a jingle service from Rightsify that specializes in creating music for brands and individuals at scale. Whether you’re a business looking for a branded theme song or an event planner looking to promote your event with a catchy tune, Your Music has got you covered.

The process is simple. All you need to do is tell us about your brand or event, and they will work with you to create a custom song that captures the essence of your brand or event. Your Music can even include brand slogans into the lyrics to create marketing impact for businesses.

With a starting price of $500 for a lifetime copyright transfer to businesses, Your Music offers an affordable solution for businesses looking to enhance their brand with custom music. And with Rightsify’s decade in music production and global music licensing experience, you can trust that you’re getting high-quality music that will stand the test of time.

Your Music’s jingles can be used in a variety of settings. They can be used in commercials, on social media, and in other marketing materials. And because they are custom made, they are unique to your brand or event, helping you stand out from the competition.

Music has the power to evoke emotions and create connections with people. With Your Music from Rightsify, you can harness that power and create a unique sound that captures the essence of your brand or event. So why not take advantage of this exciting new jingle service and start creating your own custom music today?